jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017


1) Use (from Englishpage.com)

Present Perfect Simple Past
Result of an action in the past is important in the present   action finished in the past
Recently completed actions   series of completed actions in the past

Actions beginning in the past and still continuing   together with the Past Progressive/Continuous - The Simple Past interrupted an action which was in progress in the past.
together with lately, recently, yet

2) Signal words

Present Perfect Simple Past
just, yet, never, already, ever, so far, up to now, recently, since, for yesterday, last week, a month ago, in 2002

3) Form

Present Perfect Simple Past
have/has + past participle regular verbs: infinitive + ed
irregular verbs:

2nd column of the table of the irregular verbs

4) Examples

Present Perfect Simple Past
4-1 Affirmative sentences
I have played football.
I've played football.
I played football.
You have played football.
You've played football.
You played football.
He has played football.
He's played football.
He played football.

Present Perfect           Simple Past
4-2 Negative sentences
I have not played football.
I've not played football.
I haven't played football.
I did not play football.
I didn't play football.
You have not played football.
You've not played football.
You haven't played football.
You did not play football.
You didn't play football.
He has not played football.
He's not played football.
He hasn't played football.
He did not play football.
He didn't play football.

Present Perfect Simple Past
4-3 Questions
Have I played football? Did I play football?
Have you played football? Did you play football?
Has he played football? Did he play football?

5) Spelling (both tenses)

stopped (Double the consonant after a short vowel.)
loved (one -e at the end of the word -> Leave out the -e and add -d.)
worried (consonant before -y ->Change to -ie.)


1 comentario:

  1. Hola solicitante:

    Soy el Sr. Honorio Morais Luis Miguel, soy un prestamista de préstamos legítimo, que otorga préstamos con una tasa de interés muy baja del 3% que es negociable. Ofrezco todo tipo de préstamos como préstamos educativos, préstamos comerciales, préstamos hipotecarios, préstamos agrícolas, préstamos personales, préstamos para automóviles E.T.C. También otorgo préstamos de 2,000 a 20,000,000.00 a una tasa de interés reducida del 3%. Duración de 1 a 30 años, dependiendo de la cantidad que necesite como préstamo. Regrese para obtener más información a través de: honoriomoraisluismiguel@gmail.com) con su


    Espero su respuesta.

    Dios te bendiga.

    Sr. Honorio Morais Luis Miguel
