The First Thanksgiving

1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn
harvest feast which is acknowledged today as one of the first
Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. This harvest meal has become a
symbol of cooperation and interaction between English colonists and
Native Americans. Although this feast is considered by many to the very
first Thanksgiving celebration, it was actually in keeping with a long
tradition of celebrating the harvest and giving thanks for a successful
bounty of crops. Native American groups throughout the Americas,
including the Pueblo, Cherokee, Creek and many others organized harvest
festivals, ceremonial dances, and other celebrations of thanks for
centuries before the arrival of Europeans in North America.
have also recorded other ceremonies of thanks among European settlers
in North America, including British colonists in Berkeley Plantation,
Virginia. At this site near the Charles River in December of 1619, a
group of British settlers led by Captain John Woodlief knelt in prayer
and pledged "Thanksgiving" to God for their healthy arrival after a long
voyage across the Atlantic. This event has been acknowledged by some
scholars and writers as the official first Thanksgiving among European
settlers on record. Whether at Plymouth, Berkeley Plantation, or
throughout the Americas, celebrations of thanks have held great meaning
and importance over time. The legacy of thanks, and particularly of the
feast, have survived the centuries as people throughout the United
States gather family, friends, and enormous amounts of food for their
yearly Thanksgiving meal.